Pastikan Kelancaran Skd Cpns 2024, Pjs. Bupati Ahmad Zakri Monitoring Pelaksanaan Sele....
Kepegawaian | Rabu, 30 Oktober 2024
Guguk – Deartement of transportation, Wednesday (5/2) Implementation of Basic Competency Selection for Prospective Civil Servants in 2020 The Lima Puluh Kota government stepped on the 2nd day. Tests carried out starting from yesterday until now are monitored smoothly, both the smooth flow of traffic and the safety of the participants. Congestion is observed in the morning, when the participants of the Basic Competence Selection arrive together with students going to school and most people going to work
But there are some of points that need to be considered, among them :
For participants who bring private vehicles (cars / motorbikes) are expected to use the completeness of driving and bring documents;
For parking of private 2-wheeled vehicles (motorcycles), the parking lot is inside the School environment;
For parking of private 4-wheeled vehicles (cars), the parking lot is located in front of the School, behind the shop / stall;
For participants who were driven especially by 4-wheeled vehicles (cars), they were advised not to stop for too long at the shoulder of the road to reduce / raise passengers given the limited width of the road shoulder and the available road;
There are Department of transportation personnel who are ready to help the participants, if the participants need help please contact our personnel;
If our personnel take actions that are not commendable / neglect their duties, please report by filling in the entry suggestion column beside. (for example: our personnel play mobile, while on duty / while standing in the middle of the road when managing traffic); and
Information from the Staffing Committee: It is expected that for the Participant Test Card, the participant's signature column is not to be signed first. (the signing was carried out at the time of participant registration at the test location with the committee's signature).
"Today we mobilized 12 of our personnel to manage traffic and parking, our officers are ready to help the participants if they need help until the end of the afternoon tryout basic competition session," said Akhyar as Head of Transportation Environment. (eng.IR)
Guguk – DISHUB, Rabu (5/2) Pelaksanaan SKD CPNS 2020 Pemkab Lima Puluh Kota menginjak hari ke-2. Tes yang dilaksanakan mulai dari hari kemarin hingga saat ini terpantau lancar, baik kelancaran lalu lintas maupun keamanan para peserta. Kemacetan terpantau terjadi saat pagi hari, disaat para peserta SKD berdatangan bersamaan dengan para pelajar berangkat sekolah dan masyarakat berangkat bekerja
Namun ada beberapa poin yang perlu diperhatikan, diantaranya :
“Hari ini kita kerahkan 12 orang personil kami guna mengatur lalu lintas dan parkir, petugas kami siap membantu para peserta bila membutuhkan bantuan hingga akhir sesi pelaksanaan TKD sore hari nanti”, ungkap Akhyar selaku Kasi Lingkungan Perhubungan.
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